I've been hunting hard for about 8 years so far and have only managed to kill a couple of carp with my recurve. I still haven't connected with ANY weapon on deer, turkey or hogs. I've shot at (and missed) several deer and turkey with compounds, recurves and longbows. I always seem to mess up, somehow! VERY frustrating at times, but I just remind myself that I learn something every time I hit the woods, and that I'm now trying accomplish this feat by (almost) the hardest possible way. I have to hunt VERY over-hunted public land (military installation that is closed for a lot of the season, which doesn't allow for much scouting), and I hunt from the ground and with a stick and string. I still enjoy seeing God's creation, in all it's glory, every time, and I know that I'm much too stubborn to EVER give up!!!! Glad to know that I'm not the only one, though. I don't believe in luck, so, God bless each and every one of ya!