Got my second shot at a tom this morning. First was deflected on an 8 yard shot, clean miss, nothing on the arrow and no feathers at area of hit. The shot this morning was at a turkey facing away at 18. Shot looked good, but had started to drop. NO feathers at the site of the possible impact. Turkey trotted away down the path with 2 other toms and was out of sight in about 2 seconds. Once again no feathers at the spot he was standing, and no blood could be found on a follow up exploration down the path and circle through the woods. I could not find the arrow though. Shot a stumping arrow immediately after the bird left. Found it no problem. Dug through the leaves for a ten yard path in front of and behind where the arrow ended up. Even shot the stumping arrow two more times and always landed in 2 or 3 feet of the first site.
With no feathers at the spot the bird was standing what is the percentage chance I hit the bird. Had to come to work, but might take my dog back after work. Thoughts? Advice?