Another danged disease from those pests!
I've said it before on here... but just to remind all, I had a tick give me blood poisoning a few years back. It almost killed me...literally.
You can buy Permetrin at any farm supply store and online. Some makes are petroleum based and some are nearly scent free... and virtually scent free when dry. They are a plant based formula that is supposed to be harmless to humans. It will kill a cat when wet (hint, hint ;-)
It is a WHOLE LOT cheaper buying in bulk and mixing it. You want the 10% and then mix with water... I can't remember the ratio, but it can be found online.
Permethrin is the same ingredient used in flea dips, cattle rub bags, and the SPOT that we put on our dog,s backs to prevent tick and flea infestations. For about $25.00 you can mix something like 15 gallons!