I have another spot that the mother of a former student has asked me to come hunt, because she hates the turkeys. A classic Maine edge of town. Houses strung along the street, but a lot of woods behind. Still neighbors close enough that she does not want guns going off (though she had no issue when I had to use one last year due to a shoulder injury that kept me from drawing a bow). On my second trip there I had two hens lead three toms past at 18 yards. The toms did not like the look of my hen decoy and started walk away. One stopped and looked back and I let fly. The arrow looked good, but the turkey gave almost no reaction and walked off quickly. I looked but no turkey, or feathers at the site of where he left. A look after school with the dog and nothing. I couldn't find the arrow, but no signs.
So I went back Monday. All the talk about better decoys had me put some of my stashed coaching money towards a DSD Jake. I set him up and had birds gobbling at 4:50 behind me on the edge of the steep hill.
Here is view back towards the blind tucked into some old glacial boulders.

I did a fly down when I thought the birds were on the ground. I was able to get some responses from the toms, but they were holding strong at the corn bar next door. I caught movement out of the corner of my eye through the pine on my left. Then a putt and the bird going back. I immediately tried to figure out what I had done to spook it. Then back he comes and another putt or two and I figure out it is the jake decoy. He comes to the decoy and nudges it, but moves back the way he came to quickly for me to get a shot. Then his buddy shows up and they both come back to the decoy. I set it up facing me since toms are supposed to approach jakes from the front, but it would seem jakes like to approach from behind because both birds were behind the decoy the whole time. I drew and let down twice because I could not get a clean shot past the decoy. Finally they move to the left and separate a bit and I lean forward and release at the bigger of the two.
Here is a pict from the blind out to the decoy. Look close at the ground behind him.