WE hunted the evening with no pork sighted then got a mid Morning start the next day after Breakfast. It was maybe 25 degrees during the night and my new sleeping blanket plus the two old ones all bundled together made for a great nights rest.
We drove to the "town" side of the place to an area I had killed pigs before in years past and made maybe a 4 mile loop. I heard one group of pigs I`m sure way ahead of us head into a huge thicket. I`m sure they winded us because the wind was swirling so bad had we walked with out nose in it we would have never lost sight of the truck.
The whole end of the place was covered in sign but we did not see any pigs. We did find a neat looking blow down..
After lunch we hit another spot next to a big thicket hoping to catch some pigs coming out to feed near dark. There were still a lot of Water oak acorns on the ground and with the pressure from other hunters we knew they would be coming out late. Right at last light a group of pigs came out between us but it had already got to late to try to get to them.
Paul "Moleman" rolled into camp at sometime around this part of the tale and we shook hands and a new Friend was made. Paul is a cool guy that is fun to hang with. After another 20-25 degree night I figured the pork would move late Morning so I slept in.
The other guys in the group pic began to roll in and a fine group of Hill style longbows were there. I shot A Sunset Hill that made me really want to take my longbow making to another level. It was the finest longbow I have ever shot.I also got to handle a one made by my Hero John Shulz.Simple beauty.
I struck out of camp maybe at around 1:30 and before I got to my planned spot for the afternoon I saw two nice boars in the road. I drove a bit farther down and a sow runs across the road.I`m talking about a two path woods road not a public road. I stopped and looked around.Plenty of cover meaning...THICK. Scattered water oaks and today at least for now a steady wind. I drove on down to the spot I had in mind and decided to check it out then come back to see if I could fine these pigs after they had time to simmer down. There was a very narrow bottom I could walk and listen for pigs through the thick stuff.
I made a short walk at one place and saw a few deer. I actually saw deer nearly every time I hunted. I looped down to the River and followed a slough that was running into the River..
Looked like a good place for a fella to rest his legs ...
I then headed back to the "Hilly" side of the place to see if I could find pork where I had seen the ones in the road. This looked like a good place to start...