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Author Topic: The economy must really be bad  (Read 2286 times)

Offline ermont

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The economy must really be bad
« on: May 15, 2013, 05:27:00 PM »
I have been noticing the great bows for sale on the classifieds. Bows that are half sometimes less than half what a new model costs. They aren't selling. stuff that would be gone in an hour is lasting days....if it sells at all. I thought things would pick up after November but if anything it seems to be getting worse.

Offline mjh

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Re: The economy must really be bad
« Reply #1 on: May 15, 2013, 05:30:00 PM »
Heck gas topped well over $4 a gal yesterday, I've got good bows that shoot but If I can't get to my hunting spot then no hunting...saving $$$...oh yea and st judes auction is coming up,,, won't go crazy over there but I see an item or two that looks nice to bid on

Offline xtrema312

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Re: The economy must really be bad
« Reply #2 on: May 15, 2013, 06:46:00 PM »
I have cash and a list of bows I want to pick up, but can't find any of them listed.  There have been a lot of too short, too light, too heavy and too left handed bows. Not a lot of stuff around 50# and mid range on length.
1 Timothy 4:4(NKJV)
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Firefly Long Bow  James 4:14
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Offline Shawn Leonard

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Re: The economy must really be bad
« Reply #3 on: May 15, 2013, 06:52:00 PM »
Depends where you are in the country, but the economy is still pretty bad. I think money is tight for a lot of people!! Shawn

Offline Lamey

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Re: The economy must really be bad
« Reply #4 on: May 15, 2013, 06:55:00 PM »
for me its more of just having the discipline to keep and shoot the bows I already own!  My days of buying every good deal I see are gone.  Thats not to say I wont order bows etc.... just have to be wiser.

Offline KOOK68

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Re: The economy must really be bad
« Reply #5 on: May 15, 2013, 07:01:00 PM »
Jobs are pretty abundant here in the South. I see a lot of growth going on right now. Now is the time to buy them bows!

Offline Florida lime

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Re: The economy must really be bad
« Reply #6 on: May 15, 2013, 07:27:00 PM »
If the one-piece, left-hand bows I want would ever show up, I'll buy them !
Martin-Hunter & Bamboo Viper, Black Widow Camo PLX, Holm-made Osprey, Toelke-SS #5 & Super D, Brackenbury Drifter, Wes Wallace Mentor, Kimber Huntsman,  Rose Oak-Wildcat II, Ocelot, Ace & 2 Heritage TDs, Bear-'67½  SK & '59 Kodiak Special - all LH

Offline Wannabe1

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Re: The economy must really be bad
« Reply #7 on: May 15, 2013, 08:20:00 PM »
 My days of buying every good deal I see are gone.
Things are pretty tuff here so, the above quote depicts me! I've got one and it has to last me.
Desert Shield/Storm, Somalia and IOF Veteran
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Offline Moots

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Re: The economy must really be bad
« Reply #8 on: May 15, 2013, 09:31:00 PM »
The economy is good enough that many bowyers have year-long waiting lists or more.

Offline SELFBOW19953

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Re: The economy must really be bad
« Reply #9 on: May 15, 2013, 09:44:00 PM »
Maybe the guys looking for bows will post their desires.  I'm not listing any for sale because they're not selling.
USAF Retired (1971-1991)
"Somehow, I feel that arrows made of wood are more in keeping with the spirit of old-time archery and require more of the archer himself than a more modern arrow."  Howard Hill from "Hunting The Hard Way"

Offline Mike Mecredy

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Re: The economy must really be bad
« Reply #10 on: May 15, 2013, 11:34:00 PM »
I was doing better when the economy was "worse".  I suppose now guys have the $$$ to do the really fun stuff now like buying quads and fixing up their homes.
TGMM Family of the bow
USAF, Retired

Offline screamin

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Re: The economy must really be bad
« Reply #11 on: May 15, 2013, 11:44:00 PM »
I'm self employed and if things continue on there present pace, I am looking a a 25k hit compared to last year. There are a couple of bows I'd love to pick up, but at this point, I just can't justify spending the money.

Offline petalumapete

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Re: The economy must really be bad
« Reply #12 on: May 16, 2013, 12:34:00 AM »
Wages stay the same or get lower, the cost of everything has gone through the roof. Here in Calif. Diesel is over $4.00 a gal. shipping cost have to be passed along. Insurance is through the roof, housing prices are a little better but the only things selling are being bought up by oversea's companys then being used as rentals.
don't even get me started on the taxes. Fed, State, and local goverments continue to waist and spend all they have to do is crrat a shortage and raise the taxes.

Meanwhile we all hear how good the economy is doing on the news at night.
One hell of a snow job

I'm having a hard time justifing going to shoots let alone buying another bow.
Big Foot Sasquatch Recurve
64" 57#@ 27.5
Big Foot Flat Liner Long Bow
64" 49#@

Offline Skipmaster1

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Re: The economy must really be bad
« Reply #13 on: May 16, 2013, 01:21:00 AM »
I bet some of it has to do with the waiting lists for new custom bows getting shorter. When waiting lists were running 1-2 years, it was easy to justify spending quite a bit on a used bow you wanted, just to avoid the wait. Now lists have gotten much shorter so if you want a bow you can order exactly what you want new and if you want used, it had to be a killer deal. I know of at least a few people that feel this way.

Online Keefer

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Re: The economy must really be bad
« Reply #14 on: May 16, 2013, 04:00:00 AM »
I personally think part is the economy and the other part is a bow just doesn't appeal to me ....
If the wood combination doesn't appeal to me I just skip it ..
Also the type of bow and how it performs has much to to with it as well....
I wrote to someone the other day about how pierce points look good on some bows when used sparringly and look ugly to me when used all over the bow..
 That's just my take on it but I'm sure some love it when there's pierce points from top to bottom...
I think Brandon Stahl uses just the right amount on his risers and Dick Robertson but some folks just go overboard with them and this is just one of many things like wood combos not what one might want in a bow...
 Now if a bow funtions well and has some pretty exotic riser wood I sometimes just offer a trade up or save the cash if I can and purchase what I want..
Then like others have already explained this economy has many folks using thier money more wisely like feeding thier family's...

Offline LongStick64

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Re: The economy must really be bad
« Reply #15 on: May 16, 2013, 04:42:00 AM »
Very true but I could see that from how many small businesses have closed up around my job and home. I've had bows for sale that even at half cost could not sell, back on the rack they go.
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Offline Ray Hammond

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Re: The economy must really be bad
« Reply #16 on: May 16, 2013, 05:24:00 AM »
People are holding back right now for St Jude's ! Don't read too much into the tea leaves
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Offline rbcorbitt

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Re: The economy must really be bad
« Reply #17 on: May 16, 2013, 06:18:00 AM »
I agree with Ray.  Bow prices can't get much cheaper than they are now for quality used bows.

A tax write off plus the chance at getting something that you are interested in on the Auction is a win-win!
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Offline Trumpkin the Dwarf

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Re: The economy must really be bad
« Reply #18 on: May 16, 2013, 10:09:00 AM »
I haven't bought a bow quiver yet, in part because I wanted to see what came up for the St. Judes auction. When times are tight I'd rather see folks spending for St. Judes and leaving the classifieds alone.
Malachi C.

Black Widow PMA 64" 43@32"

Online M60gunner

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Re: The economy must really be bad
« Reply #19 on: May 16, 2013, 11:29:00 AM »
I tend to agree with the shortage of cash that a lot of people have and the auction. There are some great items listed that I know appeal to more people than just me. I am on a fixed income and as has been stated the prices on everything keeps going up but not wages or my Social Security.

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