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Traditional Archery for Bowhunters


Author Topic: Instead of a Haversack or Possibles Bag..has anyone thought of this idea instead?  (Read 1197 times)

Offline Nala

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Hey all,

I have been looking and searching for a good solution to be able to carry the stuff I need out in the field.  I am not going to be carrying a lot of stuff so a backpack is not needed.  I do want to carry water, maybe a couple quarts as I have dry mouth really bad and diabetes so I need water all the time.  That is what has presented the problem.

I have looked at haversacks, possibles bags, side packs, tactical shoulder bags, you name it.  Some are really close to what I want to do but will usually fall short for some reason or another.

The other day I was nosing through some gear at a Military gear web page and ran across a picture of a soldier that had the belt with the "suspender" type harness that holds it up with gear mounted all over it.  The belt had pouches on it, the harness had stuff on it, it looked like you could mount stuff anyplace on it.  I was curious.  I started looking and found out that you can get pouches of just about any size and mount them at any place on that belt and harness, that's what it's made for.  I could get a pouch and canteen and mount it on the left side and on the right I could get pouches for the few items I want to carry and for the small stuff I could get small pouches and mount them on the back where they would be out of the way.

Right now it seems and looks like the ideal solution.  I am going to go to a local surplus store next week and talk more and see if they have it where I can inspect it.  I don't know the official name of the gear I am talking about, I'm sure there are HERO's on here that can set me straight on this.

I know it isn't very TRADITIONAL looking, but it does look like it would solve all of the issues I have been dealing with in finding a solution to carry my gear.

Has anyone else thought of this or has been using such a setup?  If so, I'd love to hear your experience and advice.  If not, what do you think of the idea?  Any + or - that you can think of in using this belt and harness gear?



Offline Nala

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This is kinda what I am thinking about.

See what you think.


Of course I wouldn't have that many pouches on it.  Just a few and just big enough to carry the stuff I need for an afternoon of hunting.



Offline Steve in Canton

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I have something similar that I use for fly fishing.  Think I bought it at LL Bean.  There are quite a few items that are made for fly fisherman that work great for bowhunting, do not  overlook local fly shops for hunting gear.

Offline T-Bowhunter

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Great idea, what ever works for you.  We all have different need.

JD Berry Valor 66” 45@28
Great Northern Bush Bow 62" 47@28"
Traditional Bowhunters of Florida

Offline Nala

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Funny you mention Fly Gear.  I have also looked at the ORVIS pages and others that carry that gear and they do have gear that would work in this area, but I find the Fly Gear is EXPENSIVE.  I guess they figure if you can afford the bamboo rod, you shouldn't complain about the cost of the accessories.

One other positive about the setup I am thinking about is that I can swap out packs for whatever I am doing.  I also like to fish, bass fish, catfish from the bank, carp, you name it.  I haven't looked for fishing spots down here yet, but when I do go I can hook on a pouch with lures, sinkers, hooks, whatever I need to fish and go.

This is looking better by the day.


Offline darin putman

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We called it an H harness and yes you can carry all those things plus a few more on them. Me personally I'd rather tote a haversack, a whole lot more comfortable in my opinion and I have a lot more experience toting H harness than a haversack. But then again that's just my opinion may suit your need's nicely!!
Osage selfbow and Surewood shafts

Offline Brianlocal3

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Another option is............ "deep breath Brian, they won't laugh at you, I mean this is Trad gang, these fine archers would never get their joy from your cheapness. Ok, deep breath!!"

Use your old diaper bag from the kiddos. I have a really nice of green Columbia diaper bag and a sweet camo one. These things are amazing
JD Berry Taipan (original) 53@28 62”
Cascade mountain Brush Hawk 53@28 56”

Offline Stonedog

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I use a big, but not too big (no pun intended, well maybe a little) butt pack I found at Walmart of all places about 8 years ago.  It has suspender clips, so I bought a pair of military H-Suspenders and I love the thing!  The suspenders make great areas to tie on gear....I plan on using it to pack in a tarp and sleeping bag this fall...instead of a back pack.
Till shade is gone, till water is gone, into the Shadow with teeth bared, screaming defiance with the last breath, to spit in Sightblinder's eye on the Last Day.

-Aiel Saying

Winter is Coming

-Stark family words

Offline Gump21Bravo

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Load bearing vest or LBV is what we called them in the Army. Its honestly old school equipment that was used in Vietnam. Cheap and easily replaced if damaged.

Look into molle harnesses also if your not much on day packs. With a molle harness you can basically use the entire chest area to secure pouches and etc instead of just around your belt and shoulder straps. Any questions just pm me


Online Archie

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Look up the "summit equipment leg pack" on Google.  If you can find one, that may be a good option for you.  I have 2, and use them both as the need arises.
Life is a whole lot easier when you just plow around the stump.

2006  64" Black Widow PMA
2009  66" Black Widow PLX
2023  56" Cascade Archery Whitetail Hawk
2023  52" Cascade Archery Golden Hawk Magnum

Offline 58WINTERS

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You might want to look at the suspender butt packs we use in Vietnam. Same basic concept. You can find them on online surplus outlets.

Offline Roadkill

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Look up RIBZ gear.  I use mine with all my daily gear and can still use my bows
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Offline mjh

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Web gear, molle gear, lbv all very adaptable, from surplus to high $$ gear, could look at forest firefighter gear too.  I use an old pack idaho now bison gear set up for most of my hunting, can go light or load it up to a point, each of us has to find what works for us...post photos when you find what works..

Offline CJ Pearson

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I think "RC" uses something very close to this. I would recommend PM him. I believe I saw it in his post of "Tagging out with Joe Buck".

Offline PeteA

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What is the list of gear you are carrying?
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Offline Nala

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I haven't really made a list, but I would be carrying binos, TP, baby wipes, spare knife, flashlight and batteries, snake bite kit, phone, kindle fire, spare string, spare tab or glove, sharpener, and water.  That's what I can figure just off the top of my head.  The water is where I run into problems.  When I find a pack that will carry water that I need, it's HUGE.  Then I'll find a pack that is good enough for the stuff I want to carry and there is no place to carry water.

I also would likely carry a sidearm as it's OK here in Texas and I'll have my CCW permit too.


Offline RecurveRookie

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I use the web belt, but not the suspenders, I don't carry much weight.  Just a canteen, and a butt pack that I clip on the other side, when I go light.  Otherwise I use my internal frame pack.   Whatever works, just give it a "test run" in the field before the "Big Hunt".
Maddog Mountaineer 57# and Prairie Predator 52# Wow!, Samick Sage 35 - 60#,  I'm learning.

Offline RC

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Here is a pic of my homemade contraption. It is two military bags of some sort tied together with 8 dollar rifle slings from wally world for straps. Been using this brig off and on for 20 years. One bag has a hole wore in it from rubbing my pants. Works good.RC


Offline RC

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That pic is a few years old I think here is one with the sling straps..


Offline RC

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I like it because my back is not covered. a good thing on summer pig hunts and makes it easier to carry a stand or a meat sack.RC

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