Well fellas this morning I asked if he had shot any over the weekend, this was after bringing it up in a Morning B.S session that I had shot a bit both Sat. and Sun, the reply I got shocked me...... "You have to shoot everyday because you shoot 70lb bows, mines only 40 lbs", that went thru me like a Sabre! but I maintained my composure (not sure how that happened, cause im not good at biting my tongue) and explained that poundage has nothing to do with it, as accuracy is what counts and you have to practice in order to achieve accuracy.
I may or may not have got thru to him, as im beginning to think that there are some lazy and ethical issues with this guy, that are beyond outside help, but im gonna keep at it.
John, im going to throw your idea out there and see what happens, you never know, he might bite.