As most of you likely know I will be moving to Montana before too long. The question I have is in regards to clothing-First Lite in Asat pattern, or KUIU. I will chase after elk, but my main focus will be high country muleys. I think I prefer the ASAT pattern but have heard very good things about VIAS as well. I will only be able to make this purchase once, has anybody used both of these and have a preference? I would be going with the FL Kanab pants, Llano as base layer on top then the Springer Vest if necessary (also may go with their boxers for heat regulation) If I went with KUIU would be-Guide pants, Merino 230 Zip t and 185 bottom, Guide Vest if necessary. Unfortunately there isn't anywhere that I can try both of them on or I would go that route. I will work on rain gear later.