Ok, so I got into ILF a couple months back. I ended up with a 19" Morrison Gen2 metal riser. Love the geometry of the riser and mass weight.
It came with a TT Titan low wrist walnut wood grip.
Well, I love the way the grip LOOKS. But as far as how it fits in the hand it just plain SUCKS. I hate it. It is narrow in width and broad front to back so it makes for a huge amount of torque potential. If I get my form just right I can hit center of my target but as soon as I relax just a little bit I am spraying arrows left and right, mostly right cause of natural tendency shooting lefty to pull string to the left.
I know it's the grip A. because it doesn't 'feel' right period, and B. because I pick up one of my longbows with a narrow round throat and have zero problem.
Hoyt grips don't fit, I don't really want another TT Titan grip..I thought about the medium wrist but it's prolly the same width so would make it worse in my mind??
Do I need to try a Jager? Or maybe just removed the grip all together and rubber wrap the riser?
This issue alone is making me strongly consider either selling the riser or the whole ILF shebang together, two sets of limbs and all. Grip to me is a huge thing.
I briefly tried a Hoyt Excel and the ergo grip on that was much better, but that riser is like a vibey wet noodle with any poundage on it haha, to me anyway. Too bad the Hoyt grips won't fit this Morrison. I guess I had better just contact Bob.