I have made a bunch of BBOs over the years, all that weren't trashed by house fires or other accidents are still shooting as far as I know.
You can treat a BBO just like you would a fiberglass bow, leave it strung all day, shoot it until your fingers bleed, just unstring it when you are done shooting
In my opinion BBOS are very durable, don't worry about dents or nicks in the bamboo. On the other hand there is bamboo and there is bamboo, some lasts forever, some is prone to failure. The problem is you never know which is which when you make a bow, it all looks the same.
The good thing is, simple cracks, splits and raised splinters in a bamboo back are fixable with super glue and a thread wrap. My personal BBO started raising a few splinters after 4 or 5 years of heavy use, a little superglue to hold the splinters down and a superglue soaked thread wrap and I am back in business, no problems since.