Here's where I am coming from. I have noticed that lots of pictures i see of Fred Bear, Bob Lee, Glenn St Charles, Ben Pearson, etc. have no string silencers on their bows; and, those bows sounded like a stand-up bass when shot. The bows that Chuck Adams shot to get his Super Slam sounded like a car door being slammed even with silencers and our trad bows today probably shoot almost as fast as those. Therefore, I question the crazy ends we go through and analysis we subject ourselves to in the name of "necessary" or "ethical" or whatever else someone makes us belieeve is most important this month.
I've only been shooting trad for about 12 years. Shot compounds before that and back then they were LOUD! If I shot at a relaxed animal, it died.
Please don't miss understand me, I'm not trying to promote loud bows for some rediculous reason; but, probably just convince myself to just shoot my bows, hunt more, and forget about obsessing over the little noise my bows make. :D