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Author Topic: Upstate South Carolina trad shooters, help needed!! (Man I hate thieves!!)  (Read 1937 times)

Offline RUSTY1

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Had my building at my farm broke into last night. They took my trailer, John Deere XUV gator, sthil chainsaw, along with some other high dollar tools. Went into the apartment area of my building and saw that they took my bows!! My BW PSAX (Kingwood). Made 2011. 57@29 1/2.  My 1962 Bear Kodiak that my oldest son was shooting. it was 38@28. And my youngest son's Mingo recurve that I had got from Kustom KIng. They were all LH.

Any of you guy's hear or see any that fits that discription let me know. Not holding my breath on getting any of my stuff back. Police report is filed and forensics made a visit. I guess we will see.

I am so disgusted right now I could puke!!!
R.J. Fens Jr.
TGMM Family of the Bow


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:pray:     :pray:

Offline fmscan

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Sorry man... I will never understand how someone thinks its OK to just take someone's property. Probably a guy that needs a fix... and he will screw up soon. Will say a prayer that they catch him soon and you get your stuff back.

Offline Brock

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I hate a thief and will keep eyes out....got any pics laying around of bows or anything to help identify...serial numbers, etc?
Keep em sharp,

Ron Herman
Compton's Traditional Bowhunters
Backcountry Hunters & Anglers
PBS Assoc since 1988
NRA Life
USAF Retired (1984-2004)

Offline darin putman

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Rusty sorry you were hit, hope your possessions are returned!! There has been an awful lot of that going on around here too.
Osage selfbow and Surewood shafts

Offline Phrogdrvr

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Keep checkin Craigslist, it worked for me one time.


Offline Cyclic-Rivers

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I hate how violated one feels when you get robbed. sorry you have to deal  with this. Good luck.


You'll live longer!

Charlie Janssen

PBS Associate Member
Wisconsin Traditional Archers

>~TGMM~> <~Family~Of~The~Bow~<

Offline hitman

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That is such a bummer. Sure hate to hear things like this and it is bad all over. You are probably right about not getting your things back but we will all keep our fingers crossed for you. Good luck.
Black Widow PSAX RH 58" 47#@28
Samick Sage 62" 40#@28"
PSA Kingfisher RH 45#@28
Treadway longbow RH 60" 46#at 28"
W.Va. Bowhunters Association life member
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Mississippi Traditional Bowhunters life member

Offline MCNSC

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Dang Rusty, sorry to hear that. I will defiantly keep my eys and ears open. Had my utility trailer stole last year, not a good feeling.
"What was big was not the trout, but the chance. What was full was not my creel, but my memory"
 Aldo Leopold

"It hasn't worked right since I fixed it" My friend Ken talking about his lawn mower

Offline Duker

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Will watch for your bows up this way:::Hope you get them back  :pray:

Offline RUSTY1

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Thanks Mike! I remember talking to you about your trailer. I have some pics I will post up on the BW. The serial number was 11382. Gonna have to see what insurance is going to cover as deer season will be here before I know it. Thanks for the words of support guys!!
R.J. Fens Jr.
TGMM Family of the Bow

Offline SELFBOW19953

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Watch Craig's list for "Bows for Sale"!!
USAF Retired (1971-1991)
"Somehow, I feel that arrows made of wood are more in keeping with the spirit of old-time archery and require more of the archer himself than a more modern arrow."  Howard Hill from "Hunting The Hard Way"

Offline Blaino

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That sucks Rusty!  Hopefully you'll get something back. Every thief will have to answer for their actions one way or another!
"It's not the trophy, but the race. It's not the quarry,
but the chase."

Offline Rick Richard

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I am up in Charlotte and Hickory area and will keep my eyes and ears open for you..

Offline 59Alaskan

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Rusty!  I am so sorry.  That is just infuriating!

I hope you find the weasels !
TGMM Family of the Bow

"God has given us two hands, one to receive with and the other to give with.” - Billy Graham

Offline Sam McMichael

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Damn a thief!

Offline ronp

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I hate to hear stuff like this.  And it seems to be getting more common, unfortunately.  I hope things turn out OK and you are able to recover some of your equipment and bows.
Ron Purdy

TGMM Family of the Bow

Offline stiknstringer

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I have a buddy who lives in South Carolina.He went to work one day and when he got home, his entire house was empty, furniture all his longbows even his boats and canoes. His neighbor saw a moving truck pull up and just figured he was moving.They were obviously watching his house for some time but pretty braisin in broad daylight.

Offline Looper

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I'll keep an eye out, too.

Offline bruinman

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Can't stand a thief. I live in the upstate myself. I will keep my eyes and ears open.

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