Ask what you want to do with a compass.
Do you want to navigate by Topo map and compass?
Want to see it at night w/ out a flashlight?
Want to see individual compass degrees for precise travel?
Want it rugged?
Then you want a Cammenga Lensatic compass. What our military used before there was GPS. I promise, you will not be disappointed. The only compass I know of with radioactive light generating tritium dial to see at night. Stout navigation equipment, not the yuppie kind of girlscout compass sold in the big box stores.
Thing is though there's more to land navigation than buying a good compass. Navigation by map and compass is becoming a lost skill. I know of almost noone anymore who knows the length of his stride or counts his steps or keeps track of those steps w/ beads on a string.
Land navigation over vast tracks of land, like out west or the far north is much different than hunting whitetails out in the lower forty where you plan to be back in time for dinner.