Ambiguous question, but okay. Lots of good answers so far. Bow weight for traditionalists has dropped over the last 25 years. When I first started in the mid eighties, 65# plus was pretty much standard. My first custom Bighorn I ordered 70#@28"; you'd be hard pressed to sell a bow that weight anymore. Draw weight has come down considerably since then, do to all sorts of variables.
We are more informed and spend more time shooting than ever, I believe. Perhaps our ranks have aged as well, meaning more experience & knowledge and less testosterone.
Bow weight does not kill (redundant, but true), arrow placement, penetration and sharp efficient BH's do. A non-lethal hit from a 100# bow is still a long and fruitless blood trail. Lots of components go into becoming lethal with a bow; bow weight is one of the many. I personally spend more time on developing efficient arrows and accuracy.
50-something is a good starting place and will kill most things we pursue worldwide.