So as some of you know I've been planning a dozen or two woodies with self nocks. I've watched a couple of videos and have been practicing on dowel rods. I've gotten to the point that I'm feeling pretty good about my technique, but still end up with one here and there that's not quite as straight as I'd like. Anyway was just wondering if anyone has ever seen or has the means to build a small steel cap with 11/32" ID with a slot cut in it that could be taped in place while making initial cut. I know it's kinda cheating, but seems it would make it much easier to make all of the nocks closer to the same. I know plastic nock alignment can make a difference in the way otherwise matched arrows shoot, so why not get the self nocks as close to perfect as possible. Maybe I'm just being overly analytical, but I figure just because I'm shooting primitive doesn't mean I can't try to find every possible advantage.