Thanks for posting the link to my Rangers' site Dave.
I've taken a doe, boar and a few squirrels with my English longbow and self-nocked, medieval-style arrows. I took my last few critters with an osage ELB that Shaun Webb made for me, but now I have a yew longbow with horn-nocks from Shaun that I will hunt with this fall. He makes authentic medival-style longbows that are tillered round-compass (bends through the handle, with no shelf or handle wrap).
Speaking of Shaun, he was a medieval hunting beast earlier this year, and he is now the third Ranger out of nearly 50 to earn the Master Huntsman ranking.
Of course, many people hunt with ELBs without dressing up funny, but I like trying to recreate a slice of history and get a sense of what the 'Trad Gang' that came way before us was like.