Hello My Friends & Brothers!!!!!
The old woodchucker has a question for you folks.....
I have always used either a backquiver, or a bowquiver for all of my shooting & hunting. I have never been much of a "side quiver" guy.
Many years ago, at a 3-D shoot with my oldest son. We talked and shot with a man that was using a "side stalker" type of quiver. I really intriuged me,and I have thought about buying one from time to time. However, due to the cost, and mostly, the fact that I have plenty of quivers that I am perfectly happy with... I never did.
Last night, on the St. Jude's Auction, I was awarded the winning bid on a Bauer style quiver, donated by our Dear fellow TradGang Brother, "Mudd"!!! Helping the kids, more than justified the cash layout, (even if I do have more than enough quivers, LMAO!) I am very excited, and looking forward to trying out my new quiver!!!!!
My question is, Has anyone had experiance (good or bad) and any comments about using these style of quivers?????
Any and all comments and info, is GREATLY appreciated!!!
Thanks, My Friends!!!!! woodchucker