When you look at all the greats from our past & present they all shoot their equipment in very very very different ways.
However they ALL have one very important thing in common. The split second before the string cuts loose from their release hand, they are in perfect alignment. (Bow arm, arrow, string arm, shoulders) they are all in parallel with eachother pointing down range to their target.
Much like golf, all the pros have drastically different swings, but one thing remains the same between all if them. The club face is square as it contacts the ball. It doesn't matter how the load the energy into the club, or their back stroke, or their individual follow through method... But that club face is square as it contacts the ball.
I've studied all the greats, and have adapted small bits of styles to my body biology for what works for ME. However I strive to do one thing like all the greats... Make sure at the moment I cut that arrow loose, my aligment is as close to perfect as it can be. It truly doesn't matter how you get there.