I never hunted the Ruby's, been around them is all, I rifle hunted the area South I believe of Austin NV, it was very much a "king of the hill" situation, get high and look down. It's very rugged country if you haven't been there. Good boots, good optics and a lot of gumption are in order for a good trip. It's very ruggedly beautiful country, I really liked it a lot. I was stationed there in the Navy, and took a guy from Oklahoma hunting, he got a nice buck and was complaining about how hard it was to get his deer out, heck a guy seen us from the road and made his way over to us on an old two track and hauled us out, but not untill we had drug the deer a good ways, wasn't that hard really, anyways, he was saying, man, in Oklahoma, i'd just drive the truck up to the deer and haul it out, and I told him, someday, you will be telling your grandkids about this hunt and it will seem pretty neat, the next day, he looked at me as we were sitting at the campfire eating a chicken fried Sage Grouse and said, you know man, your right, this is the stuff stories are made of and his attitude had changed tremendously. I absolutely love Northern NV and am very envious of you!