a friend of ours that I did some work for him, fletched about 70 arrows in 2117 alum, took off the old plastic fletch and cleaned up the shaft, rep[laced nocks, tips, inserts and then fletched with new 4 inch plastic fletch, asked to pay me for my effort. I told him I had the fletch and did the work during the winter period so no charge.
He said he knew I liked shooting tradition bows and would I like a bow that he was given one xmas, that he had never even put a string on.
He said it was in a box from bear archery. He went to his car and got it out, my god it was and looked like it had just been taken from the bear factory. it is a Bear Kodiak hunter RH 60 inch long serial number KT88118 45x pounds. I put a new string I had in stock on the bow and the brace height is at 8 Inches. Can anyone tell me what year it was made from the serial number and is the brace height of 8 inches ok ????
I have shot it maybe 40 arrows out of it at 10 yards and it sure put them into the target, I made the nock point high 1/4 for 3 fingers under draw. I am shooting Bemen carbon at 29 1/2 inch and spine to 45 to 60 lbs, I put 5.5 feather banana fletch on them (3) fletch) 2 hot pink and 1 blue.
My thanks in advance for any help and suggestions.
I have put up my Martin hunter and my Checkmate as I work on this honey I named this bow (runaround sue )for those that are old fart like me and can name the tunes from the 50/60's....