I picked this bow up last fall, but haven't shot it much til now (was already dialed in w/another bow for hunting season). It's 64" 53#@28". First, and most importantly, anyone know the proper brace height? When I got it, it was set around 6 5/8". Seemed awfully noisy and had more hand shock than I expected, so I started experimenting, I've gotten to about 7 1/8". Hand shock is definitely improved, but still noisier than I expected. I will say here that the beaver silencers (I think that's what they are) appear pretty worn and thin, but I've got a new string on the way (thanks steadman/St. Jude's auction) and was going to put new silencers on when the string gets here. I had some arrows which spined out close, but were a tad on the light side, so I invested in a new half dozen Axis traditional 400's which are about 9.7 gpp as currently configured. The arrows are just a hair underspined at this point (I think), but I will be adding wraps (which should get me pretty darn close to 10 gpp) and then bareshaft tuning begins in earnest. Just want to make sure I'm within limits on BH. Any experience on what nock height it might perfer (@about 1/4" now) would also be greatly appreciated (I shoot split finger). And any thoughts on quieting it down also appreciated. I'm still fairly inexperienced compared to most here, so all thoughts and ideas definitely considered
I really want to make this bow my primary hunter this year, as it is about 8-10 pounds heavier than anything else I have. The areas I hunt have a fairly decent hog population and I wanted something a little heavier just in case a decent size hog comes by. I tried Google, but it seems Roy's website is no longer up.