I surely don't intend to offend anyone with my posts of my occassional kills..
A 40 mile pig -----
I've been carrying this new bow from Ken for a couple of weeks trying my best to find a pig to try it out on. Most afternoons I walk 3-4 miles either in the woods or around some grain crops. I am extremely fortunate to be able to do this. Working for myself provides this option.
This evening I went over to a neighboring place that I can hunt. It's about half woods and half crops and has a creek running through it. The creek is deep and wide but mostly dry right now. On one side is wooded country and crops are on the other side of this waterway.
Just as last twilight was falling I was on the crop side of the creek, eased back into the maize watching the creek and woods.. I saw a black pig come out of the woods and ease down the creek bank. He was probably 100 yards at this point.
He went left then right trying to decide where he would cross. As he was moving so was I trying to intercept his line of travel. He finally committed and I made my last move then waited. It seemed to take forever for him to start up the near bank and that familiar excitment overcame me!
The bank was very steep where he was coming up. He scrambled up on top and sensed something amiss.. I was about 20 yards away, perhaps that made him uneasy ? He turned quartering away and I drew the bow and released the arrow quickly. The CE 350 had a Zwickey Delta mounted on a 100 grain steel adapter, the combination weighs over 600 grains. The arrow is 31" to the back of the broadhead and it buried completely in the pig!
On impact he fell back down the bank. He then tried to find his feet as he rolled to bottom of the creek channel! When he hit the bottom he never moved. I couldn't believe it was over that fast but he was done...
This Inferno is nasty !!!