Looks can kill! Firstly, when shooting instinctively, you only need to look at your quarry to be able to kill it. Of course there is a little more to it than that. Such as proper form, a clear shot, a finely tuned and sharp broadhead, etc. But most importantly, you must look at your exit hole through the vitals before the string is loosed! It really is as simple as that. The moment you allow yourself to believe otherwise, is when it becomes much too complicated.
That being said, lets get to why I know you all are here. My new bow. It's a 58" Big Foot Sasquatch long bow, with 47# zebra limbs, and 52# copperheads. The flair back riser is made from a beautiful piece of zebra wood with a bocote flair footing and blood wood and black glass accents. The riser overlay, and the flush bolt overlays on the zebra limbs are also bocote. Both sets of limbs have black tail deer antler tips that Kirk darkened up with some of his magic. It also has an off set I-beam made from Brazilian walnut (Ipe).