The ad states Muzzy was founded in 1984. I am fairly certain the very first design was a trocar front, either a three or four blade configuration. By then compounds were the rage, so whether they were "designed" for trad or not might be up to debate.
Not saying whether they are good or bad (my bud loved them) since I didn't use them. He got great blood trails using them.
If I recall correctly, prior to the Muzzy came the Wasp, Satellite and Savora heads. These were all replaceable blade, pre-sharpened blade heads. The object was to provide a sharp head for those that were not good at (or just didn't want to)sharpening their broadheads. None of these started with trocar style tips. They worked OK.
Over time and use, all of these improved.
Forty five pounds is not a great deal of bow, although it can and should handle deer just fine.