Well, I may get flamed a little here, but I will go ahead anyway. I do not mean to sound offensive so if it comes out that way, I will apologize in advance. I have heard a lot of opinions on trad vs modern, vs rifle ect. Not so much on this site mind you, but in person. (you know what they say about opinions right?) Alot of us derive pleasure from the pursuit of hunting for many different reasons. I derive a lot of pleasure in taking an animal, processing it myself, and preparing it for my friends and family. I enjoy the entire process, weather I take the animal with a bow, gun, whatever. I also do a lot of 3D shoots and an indoor league. I have never done one with my compound, but maybe someday I will. Do I get occasionally annoyed when I have to wait for the compound shooters ahead of me? Yeah but they are doing what they like, live and let live. I hunt with a compound, gun, Trad bow, whatever strikes me, although I committed myself to deer hunting with nothing but a trad bow last season. Just something I felt like doing. I shoot my Hill Longbow about every day before work, when it is nice out I will shoot a little when I get home. Once in awhile I will get a hankerin to get out the compound and shoot my little foam ball target at long ranges. Why? It's kinda challenging and it's fun. I hear a lot of trad guys criticizing modern and I don't see all of the fuss. Honestly I know a few of these guys wound deer just about every year. I know it happens on occasion with trad and modern but honestly, if it is a regular thing for ya, maybe you should consider a compound. I would rather take an animal swiftly,ethically with confidence, than wound one because I believe my weapon is somehow better than someone else's. To argue the effectiveness of a modern bow from a fixed position is silly. As the old expression goes, "they make chocolate and vanilla for a reason" So take game, do it ethically and honestly and be an ambassador for the sport of hunting regardless of what you do it with.