Originally posted by TxAg:
Originally posted by Maxx Black:
I was looking at making a quiver as well! You have done a good job on the build and also keeping the brand in place for a uninique finish. What weight leather did you use? So it will form to your back . And what will you change when the next one hits the production table? Thanks Ken
I don't know the leather weight. I went to my local Tandy Leather store and put my hands on all their leather. This happened to feel soft enough and durable enough (while also being the cheapest tanned hide I could find).
I haven't taken it in the field yet, but one thing I will probably change is the strap placement. I think moving the top of the strap further down from the edge will place the arrows just a little higher which would be nice. [/b]
I went ahead and changed the strap placement today. Now I have a few extra holes in the quiver, but it's for functionality....not looks (at least that's what I'm telling myself)
I flip flopped sides, meaning I moved the top strap left of the stitching and the bottom strap right of the stitching. I also lowered the top strap about 2 inches. Works pretty good from whatI can tell wearing it around the back yard.