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Author Topic: How do YOU scout Whitetails through out the year?  (Read 1315 times)

Offline Sean B

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How do YOU scout Whitetails through out the year?
« on: July 05, 2013, 12:49:00 PM »
I'm just curious how different people scout for Whitetails through out the year, and maybe pick upa few tips. How do you scout in the winter that's different from the spring and so on??

During the winter, esp if there's snow on the ground, I like to find the heavier trails and bedding areas. In the spring, I again, look for the heavier trails before the foliage gets too heavy. I also try to gage who the deer made it through the winter...looking for winter kills as well as sheds.

I don't do a whole lot until late summer into the fall where I look for mass food sources to finally set stands.  

I don't really a whole lot on trail cams, more so for the reason that I only own one. I used to be somewhat against them, but I'm starting to warm up to using them as an additional tool in scouting.

Been at this over 30 years, and its never too late to pick up new tips!
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Offline Thumper Dunker

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Re: How do YOU scout Whitetails through out the year?
« Reply #1 on: July 05, 2013, 01:03:00 PM »
I don't Waist of time scouting white tails out here.   :D
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If it was not for rabbits I would never get a buck.
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Online Pat B

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Re: How do YOU scout Whitetails through out the year?
« Reply #2 on: July 05, 2013, 02:04:00 PM »
The best time to scout is right after the season closes. The deer haven't changed their patterns yet so you will be able to see where they go and have been. Other times of the year the deer change their patterns to find different sources of food, water, etc. You can still scout during the off season months but the deer's movement will change shortly after the season starts or in some areas when the season starts later they have already changed.
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Offline nineworlds9

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Re: How do YOU scout Whitetails through out the year?
« Reply #3 on: July 05, 2013, 05:51:00 PM »
I haven't been hunting deer very long since I spent most of my life in south Florida.  I haven't gotten into searching for 'deer sign' very much yet, but do recognize and have located scrapes and rubs.  As of right now I primarily concern myself with scouting topography and food/water sources.  I try to think like a deer- where would I go and what would I eat.  Real basic.  Last season I encountered 5 does and 2 bucks over the span of several different hunts.  So far so good.  Turning my attention more to specific deer signs seems to be the next natural step.
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Offline VictoryHunter

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Re: How do YOU scout Whitetails through out the year?
« Reply #4 on: July 05, 2013, 07:14:00 PM »
Find oak trees! I also hunt terrain features I find on maps and then narrow it down further by looking for sign sch as poop, tracks, rubs, beds etc. In Tennessee hunting pinch points and food is the way to go.
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Offline shag08

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Re: How do YOU scout Whitetails through out the year?
« Reply #5 on: July 05, 2013, 07:41:00 PM »
VictoryHunter hit the nail on the head...find oak trees!  When acorns are dropping the deer will go to oaks before they will go to corn...and thats sayin' something. White oaks are best but chestnut oaks are a close second. The best part is, acorns start dropping right at the start of bow season usually.

Other than that, hunting terrain is the way to go. Here on the edge of the Cumberland Plateau in middle TN, low gaps and saddles on ridge tops are a natural deer funnel/magnet. I also like to set up in places where open hardwoods and cedar thickets meet....I've killed my biggest deer in such places.

Offline joe skipp

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Re: How do YOU scout Whitetails through out the year?
« Reply #6 on: July 05, 2013, 08:05:00 PM »
Ask all surrounding neighbors what their seeing running around their yards, river bank and orchard.
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Offline lpcjon2

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Re: How do YOU scout Whitetails through out the year?
« Reply #7 on: July 05, 2013, 08:13:00 PM »
Around here I look for the areas they feed along the roads at sunrise and sunset. If they stay within a 1/4 mile over a month long period I mark the spot and scout it out later.

  It has been my observation that they come back to an area every few weeks when new growth has come up, this gives me a chance at the beginning of the bow season when others cry its to hot.They are usually still calm and relaxed at that point.
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Offline shag08

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Re: How do YOU scout Whitetails through out the year?
« Reply #8 on: July 05, 2013, 08:24:00 PM »
Oh, one more thing....I got to really thinking about it after my previous post. Walk around your property and find some trails. A really good, well used trail will look like a cattle trail....you can't miss em.

Walk those trails out just to see where they are coming from, going to, vice-versa. You may have to stay up a tree a little longer in season to know when they are using said trails but its well worth it.

Most of the places I hunt I have cut the timber on. So I get to know every inch of the property better than I would like to. But it really does pay off finding the trails/sign and know what the deer on that piece of land are doing.

Offline Sean B

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Re: How do YOU scout Whitetails through out the year?
« Reply #9 on: July 05, 2013, 08:53:00 PM »
How are you scouting in the different seasons?  Do you scout all 4 seasons?
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Re: How do YOU scout Whitetails through out the year?
« Reply #10 on: July 05, 2013, 08:57:00 PM »
Hi, Sean!!!!! How's that Police car & spotight working out for ya??? LMAO!!!
I only shoot WOOD arrows... My kid makes them, fast as I can break them!

There is a fine line between Hunting, & Sitting there looking Stupid...

May The Great Spirit Guide Your Arrows..... Happy Hunting!!!

Offline Sean B

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Re: How do YOU scout Whitetails through out the year?
« Reply #11 on: July 05, 2013, 09:03:00 PM »
Not too good...only seein slick heads around Mt. Alevernia!!!
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Re: How do YOU scout Whitetails through out the year?
« Reply #12 on: July 05, 2013, 09:07:00 PM »
Well, I think it's that time of year... I haven't seen a buck ANYWARE in the last 2 months! Seems like the bucks come out of hiding around August.
I only shoot WOOD arrows... My kid makes them, fast as I can break them!

There is a fine line between Hunting, & Sitting there looking Stupid...

May The Great Spirit Guide Your Arrows..... Happy Hunting!!!

Offline mcgroundstalker

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Re: How do YOU scout Whitetails through out the year?
« Reply #13 on: July 05, 2013, 09:26:00 PM »
I just look out of the window... My house is built inside a bedding area...   :dunno:  

... mike ...
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Offline ron w

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Re: How do YOU scout Whitetails through out the year?
« Reply #14 on: July 05, 2013, 09:36:00 PM »
I'm always looking, stumping, fishing or whenever I get out. The bad thing in this neck of the woods is the deer numbers are so low that they never are consistent in their feeding habits...they can eat anywhere. Then in the fall it's all about the mast. Acorns and Beech nut and some wild apples....if we have them it can be good....if we don't, it's a tough hunt ever time! But all areas are different, just spend as much time as time allows.......
In the beginner's mind there are many possibilities. In the expert's there are few...So the most difficult thing is always to keep your beginner's mind...This is also the real secret of the arts: always be a beginner.  Shunryu Suzuki

Offline Nathan Killen

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Re: How do YOU scout Whitetails through out the year?
« Reply #15 on: July 05, 2013, 09:47:00 PM »
Look for shed antlers and sign left over from Nov in the winter and early spring months and run trail cameras from may - Jan.
Genesis 21:20 And God was with the lad; and he grew, and dwelt in the wilderness, and became an archer. ->>>---------------->

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Offline JMG

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Re: How do YOU scout Whitetails through out the year?
« Reply #16 on: July 05, 2013, 09:55:00 PM »
I leave out my trail cameras throughout the year and check all the creek beds on my property. They usually tell me where the deer are moving and my cameras tell me when the deer are moving. I also like to glass the property from a non-intrusive position. Then I start getting up a game plan about a month before the season off the information I compiled in the recent months.   :archer2:

Offline adeeden

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Re: How do YOU scout Whitetails through out the year?
« Reply #17 on: July 05, 2013, 10:09:00 PM »
I do most of the things already mentioned In one way or another but my favorite time of year to scout is July. I love to set up the glasses and watch the bucks in the bean fields from long distance. Around here there In The same fields every evening in July. I spent an hour Wednesday watching a bachelor group with 3 bucks over 140" and still some growing to do. This is without a doubt the best time of year to find the areas that have mature deer and decide which ones to go after. The only downsides the ticks and Mosquitos!
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Offline Cyclic-Rivers

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Re: How do YOU scout Whitetails through out the year?
« Reply #18 on: July 05, 2013, 11:00:00 PM »
With property I am unfamiliar with, I like to walk through it during deer season.  Dont agonize over every inch just go until you find A LOT of sign.  gather as much information as quick as possible without stinking it up too much. find your tree or spot, note wind directions and look for patterns.  

Then hunt it and fine tune based on deer movement.  It may take a year or two before you perfect a "spot".

Usually my best spots have been fine tuned for a year or two.  

Most scouting I do in the winter/summer is futile.  deer tend to change their patterns here come bow season.

You'll live longer!

Charlie Janssen

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Offline VictoryHunter

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Re: How do YOU scout Whitetails through out the year?
« Reply #19 on: July 05, 2013, 11:29:00 PM »
Also google earth and topo maps are your best friends      :D
There is a place for all God's creatures....right next to the potatoes and gravy.

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