pcg, Thanks for the thread, it is timely and it may save someone a serious injury. I'll be sending my Hill back this week, and as of now, It's looking like Craig will be able to bring my prize bow back to life.
As for all these attempts to turn your thread into something it is not, you need not apologize, IMHO you are owed an apology. How anyone can read so much into what you posted is beyond me, and having someone, who should know better, attack your version of events, is way over the top. Having freshly experienced my 67.5# Hill go in a split second with an extremely loud BANG!, I cannot think of a more fitting description to warn others about eye safety than to say, WARNING: My Hill, Miller, or whatever top end bow it was, blew up. It can happen to the very best, it can happen without any warning, it can catch you completely off guard, and it will stun the devil out of you. That stupid little sliver of glass stuck in me, that I cannot dig out, does not feel too good, and odds are pretty good, that when I was peppered with those slivers, I probably would have caught one in the eye had I not been wearing my shooting glasses.
So take it from this thread that, top dollar, top bowyers, top bows, and top skills, will not shield you from losing an eye when shooting bows. But, odds are that shooting glasses will.