Overspined, those products are sold on marketing, not research. There is no way to prove that any scent product, cover, attractant,eliminator, reducer, disperser etc. etc. works or does not work. Its a matter of faith. If you believe it works, buy it. if not dont.
I choose to play the wind, rely on good woodsmanship, knowledge of the terrain, quarry, food sources, bedding areas, funnels etc.
On my own land I spend a lot of time, Diesel and money on foodplots, creating edge cover and generally making my land more attractive habitat than my neighbor's land. I spend my time and money creating the perfect situation and location that puts the odds in my favor. I guess I get more enjoynent out of that than worrying about my personal odor or lack there of.
It all comes down to enjoyment, some enjoy trying to control every aspect of how they smell. thats cool. I just prefer to leave the camp with my clothes and boots on. thats all.