Ive played the deer game for over 20 yrs with a stickbow. I've tried a lot of different tactics. Everyone has a theory, how and what they smell.
Shower with a regular unscented soap, sport wash undergarments, use plastic bags/ tubs, and hunt he wind.
The less I think about this scent stuff, the more I enjoy the hunt. I wear almost all wool, and down for clothes. That's it. Natural tends to be better at being scent free.
Did I mention hunt the wind?
PS: never use garbage bags for clothes or meat, they have chemicals to help decompose them and will ruin meat and mess up clothes...
I'd say I enjoy plenty of success doing this. Use common sense, don't walk where the animals will be...it's learning to be the human predator. It takes mistakes and learning from them.
It's not always human scent that gets you busted. I've seen deer track me across frost covered grass, they just smell the vegetation smell from the frost layer being broken, and follow it unalarmed. Dogs and deer share this amazing ability to track in different ways.
I think you can go through great lengths to control scent, bottom line though, don't touch the weeds and brush, wear rubber soled boots, and play the wind right. Nothing else works IMO. Choose stands based on the wind first and foremost.