This started about a year ago.
I was having some neck and shoulder issues that kept me from shooting for much of last year.
In March I went to the Doc's and had all the test done. The D.O. told me I needed surgery, The surgeon told me to try therapy. The therapist made me cry but it really seemed to make things start to feel better.
The whole time I kept telling people(Docs) that if my neck hurt then my shoulder hurt, nobody seemed to want to connect the two together.
Well, I had met Scott in February. Scott is my favorite kind of Doc. A Chiropractor. A Good one- in much demand.
A mutual friend had introduced us and we had only met the one time.
I made a call to Scott's office and the healing had begun.
I really did enjoy the therapy sessions, and those coupled with Scott's method of whole body wellness really paid off. My shoulder and a host of other aches/pains are gone or getting better.
In February of 2012 I could not draw a 40# bow. after a summer off from shooting and seeing Scott the whole time, I hunted with a 55# longbow last fall and just yesterday I was drawing a 73@28 Hill bow to 30"(Thanks Thom).
I like bone Doctors and therapists, and I like shooting bows. This was a good journey because I like good people all the more and Scott is top shelf all the way. He has a wonderful family, and we have all become good friends.
The week of the 4th held an invite to the northern tip of Michigan's lower peninsula.
Our mutual friend Chris, had invited us up to his cabin with his fine family and Scott was also along with his family.
The birthday bow was ordered last fall, and was to be a total surprise for Scott. I worked it up and had it ready for his birthday which is on the 4th of July.
The bow is a Pure Michigan Longwalker. Tri-color "Transition" Walnut, Fire tempered Osage and Perfectly edge grained Red Elm. I have Over 30 pieces to get this bow where I wanted to go. It turned out well and Scott has turned into a shooting machine. Even sent pics of his shooting blisters.
My camera was MIA for the presentation, so I had to get some shots yesterday when he stopped out for a shoot.
Thanks for looking.