"Grown particular?"
If you haven't eaten porcupine, you may have missed out on one of Natures finest meals.
I ate my first porky when I was about 15. I lived with my grandma in Northern Michigan for a couple years when I was 15-16. Grandma used to cook in the lumber camps when she was younger and later cooked for the High School in the small town of Ellsworth.
Anyway at that time I had a single shot .22 rifle and a single shot 12ga shotgun and I'd slip off to the woods behind the house every time I could and hunt for anything that was in season. I brought my game home to grandama, rabbits, squirrels, partridges, raccoon and porcupines and she was glad to get any and all meat for the table. The coons and porkies she roasted in the over until the dark rich meat was tender then she's coat it with barbecue sauce the last 10 minutes of cooking, it was mighty tasty hot or cold.
Since those days I've sat down to many a meal of coon and porky.
the picture is of a friend of mine some years back skinning a porky that I had killed and brought to camp. The question is always, "How do you skin a porcupine." the answer? "Very carefully"