Allright.Starting screen:set your distance.Use a measuring tape.Mine was 45 feet(15 yards) from the tip of my arrow when I pulled it at anchor to my target.Then place your phone about 3-4 feet from where you are going to be shooting.I put mine on the ground.Then hit the 20 secs button,grab your bow while the dude is counting down,aim and release after the dude counts one.A side not here DON'T release too early.After he says one i count one-go and then release.
On the bottom of the third pic it says shot fired fine tuning(left side) and on the bottom right it says shot landed fine tuning.I don't know if you can see in the third pic two red vertical lines on the screen.Those are actually 2 red arrows.
This is where they got to go after fine tuning
NOW there is a small detail that can set you off many feet apart.look closer
the second arrow is exactly where it is supposed to be on shot landed.
the first one I moved it purposely more to the left than it is supposed to be just to show you.Basically the idea is that with fine tuning you have to allign the arrows with the high peaks of the soundwaves of shot fired and shot landed.
BUT notice how in the shot fired, which is the sound peak right from the first arrow,there are two ledges..can you see that the highest peak is a really thin line after the first ledge?YOU DON'T want it there.