Hi folks. Greetings from southern Vancouver Island in British Columbia.
I am very new to archery and Trad Gang was recommended by a friend who is mentoring me in the sport, so here I am. I'm pretty excited getting into this for a variety of reasons, foremost of which are that it extends my hunting season and it's also just flat out fun!
I've been learning instinctive shooting and all of the ins-and-outs associated with it. My buddy, who's an experienced bow hunter, lives just across the street and has graciously lent me a bow and a few other bits and pieces to get started while I look into getting my own gear. We've been out stump shooting a few times and target shooting at the local club (
Cowichan Bowmen ). I'm reading a lot and listening carefully. Things have been improving but not very consistently yet. I'm sure I'll get there (wherever "there" is) in the end. In the mean time, it's fun learning.
I'm looking forward to searching this forum for info to continue my research and knowledge, as well as learning from the members here. I've read some of the articles and it all looks great!