I contacted Allen recently to see if he had a Chief that he might sell me in stock, as I knew he wasn't currently offering them. My first traditional bow was a Chief, and I really enjoy its shooting mannerisms. At my 26" draw that bow is about 41#. I got my first traditional deer with it, but I like to hunt with 52-54#. To my surprise Allen said he could make me one, if I wanted, and that he'd been considering bringing the Chief back in to production. I ordered a Chief, and have had it for about a week now. The one day a month that I have a meeting in San Antonio my wife, Jill, calls and says "your bow's here!" so I could sit in the most maddening traffic, drumming on the steering wheel, trying to get home. On any other day I could throw a rock to my office, well, maybe I couldn't, but Doug Flutie could throw a rock to my office... it's close! Here are some photos of my new Chief. It really is a special bow that is as pretty as it is a joy to shoot. The kind of bow you shoot until it gets dark, and only come in because supper is ready.