I recently acquired a Kohanna Kurve and it is a fantastic bow. I would say it is the smoothest recurve I have owned as of yet. The craftsmanship is very nice and the grip is perfect for me. I have however been having fits trying to get good, consistent, arrow flight. Some arrows will fly well and then, for no apparent reason three will visibly kick out on release or have a wobble, going down range. I have paper tuned as well as bare shaft tuned and (I'm not making this up) have actually had results that were backward. In other words, when I could not seem to correct the bad flight I did the opposite of what you are supposed to do and it worked. I even called the bowyer, Bob Rousselo, who spent several minutes with me on the phone, just a fantastic guy. I shoot Gold Tips and have been told that a 3555 with about 200gr up front would be about right. That seems very week to me and inconsistent with the Gold Tip arrow chart. The bow is 50@28 and I draw 28. My arrows are cut 29" and 30" and I am shooting a fast flight string. Believe it or not, I shoot this thing dead nuts, even when I have terrible arrow flight. It really is driving me crazy though. Any recommendations?