I research this stuff constantly, and talk to as many folks as I can including some really good shooters, coaches, and guys at BCY--not to mention my own experience.
I have the advantage of comparing equally well made strings. Not saying I'm an expert or anything, but after making way over 10,000 strings you can't help but learn something. If nothing else, my strings are made the same way so it's an apples-to-apples comparison, with the same bows, same arrows, same shooting style, etc.
It's only in my best interest to promote what I feel is the best possible string.
I'm the kind of guy that, if I don't believe in it, I can't give away a steak to a starving man...but if I do believe in it, I can sell sand to an Arab. I've sold a LOT of strings over the years.
I've never been a big believer in "NEW AND IMPROVED!!!", or using big words to describe something simple. I'm not the most technical type--for me, if it works it works, if it doesn't try something different. I like to keep it simple.
I have ZERO reason to not promote "skinny" strings, if I felt there was any advantage to them.
I don't doubt those who like them, but I have to go with my own experience and the experiences of those I know; those who make their living making these materials, shooting bows, and coaching. People who don't have an interest in promoting my strings or anyone else's, but rather using what works the best.
I don't know of any of these people who use or promote low strand count strings. That, along with my own experience, is why I cannot promote them. I will make them by request, but I try to make it a point to inform the customer of the downside.
As for the spine calculator...sorry, but that part about doubling the strand count equalling 5# in spine difference is way off. You can't set one rule that covers them all. 8190 is about 1/2 the size and weight of Dynaflight '97, which is way smaller in diameter and weight than 450+. That "formula" is like saying using double the number of feathers in a pillow is the same as using double the number of bricks. Just doesn't work that way.
Anyhow, that's my 2 cents. Take it for what it's worth. Don't be afraid to experiment, and by all means use what works best for you.