I left home on the leading edge of a thunderstorm, was trying to find somewhere to walk and stay dry! As I was driving across the prairie looking in my rearview mirror at the rain I glanced across a creek and saw a batch of pigs going into a plowed up maize field.. It looked like the rain storm was going to catch me so I kept driving. After a bit I stopped and turned the truck around to watch the rain.. For the most part it skirted around me.
About 20 minutes before dark I eased the truck towards the last spot I saw the pigs.. I finally located them with the aid of my old binoculars.. I slipped my quiver over my shoulder, grabbed up my longbow and tried to cover some ground. A few minutes before dark I was within 50 yards of the pigs but the fickle winds gave me away, at least to part of the group. Assuming a very suspicious nature many of them moved away. I kept trying to get the wind on the remaining pigs but the winds were swirling in the wake of the thunderstorms.
The pigs knew I was there but just didn't know where. Finally they got down in a deep ditch at the end of the field and started running my way!
I waited with an arrow on the string, when they were crossing at about 10 yards I picked one and shot. They were running pretty much wide open and the pig I chose rolled like a head shot bunny! I think I was more surprised than the future "pulled pork" !
This was the yew Shelton and the same 185 grain Grizzly I used several days ago.
Is this stuff fun or what ??