One day I was trying to head off a nice 8 pointer. I had a top of line Schulz longbow, the best Easton shafts with shaving sharp and spendy Jerry Hill broadheads. I took a chance and changed positions as the buck approached. It saw the movement and busted right into a fellow with a used 45 pound Kodiak Bear, with Bear wood arrows with Bear broadheads. He made a perfect shot, the buck went down within 100 yards. His heads were only file sharpened, but they got the job done. It hurt, but I offered to help with the deer. He said, it was his first deer and would like a field dressing lesson. Which I did and helped him drag his deer out. He accused me of being really nice and high classed. The next weekend I came out and he was waiting by my car to see if I needed help with a deer. I did not. The next weekend I hunted there again and came out to see him again waiting by my car. He asked if I needed help and showed him my bloody arrow. He said "Great, I got my buddy's cart in the back, I can pull your deer out for you." Now talk about your first class. I hope that those with lots and lots of money to spend do not look down their noses too long at those that are shooting modest weight used recurves and lowly Zwickey and Bear broadheads. It could make one crossed eyed and a bit short sighted.