Well, we're back. Neither Scott nor myself came home with any meat or antlers. This trip was a real learning experience for me. Even though I knew better and several tradgangers advised that I should take it easy, I just plain overdid it on the first day!
We arrived at camp on the afternoon of the 31st and got our tents up and gear sorted and ready to go. Our Silt connection, Dick Railsback suggested that we wait until daylight to head out so that he could point out some landmarks as we headed out to a waterhole. A bit after daylight we headed up Van Mountain.
I was definitely sucking for air on the hike up. If I remember correctly, we went from around 8000' to over 9500'....could be wrong on that, but it felt like a lot more than that! All told it was around a 2.5 mile hike one way. My pal Scott handled the hike better than me and our friend Dick at least acted like he was tired to make me feel better.
We arrived at the waterhole at around 9:30. Dick told me he was going on up the mountain a little more than a mile and would be back around noon. He figured we should set on this waterhole until he came back. Scott set up on the south side of the waterhole and I set up on the west side. Neither of us really didn't have any idea as to where the elk might come from as the entire area was littered with trails and sign. I had not even got my gear sorted from my pack when I looked up to see a cow elk staring at me from 25-30 yards!!
I was caught unprepared.....bow on the ground, no arrow nocked and in a position I couldn't shoot from, even if I had been ready. I slowly lowered my head and hoped that Scott might have a shot. Scott held off in hopes that the elk would move on into water and that we both might get a chance.
The lead cow that was watching me turned away and trotted a few steps back in the direction that she came from. There were 6 elk in all-three cows, a calf, a spike and what I think was a forked horn or 3x3. They headed onto the south at a fairly slow pace, so I just hoped that they weren't spooked too bad.