Would you be able to feed your stock 100% on organic grown feed, or would there be times you had to supplement their intake with "other" feeds. Lets say you feed our stock with 100% organically grown feed. What about rain runoff from the surrounding area? It will contain some contaminates also. We can scare ourselves to death worrying about this kind of stuff. The deer are healthier by a long shot than the beef in the market (even what they call 'organic beef'). It's part of the world we now live in and it's not going away. If someone is on a public water supply that is getting it's source from surface water, there are pharmaceuticals in there that would give you pause every time you raised a glass of water to your lips. Fortunately, right now it is listed as parts-per-billion in concentration. I talked to a Phd at a local University with a serious agriculture department(and an avid hunter)about wild game and he indicated that the data he'd read did not make him give up his venison or other game animals. Maybe in another twenty to fifty years we'll all have something to be concerned about. The water supply, whether it be surface water or ground water under the influence of surface water (GWUISW) is a great indicator of precursers we need to be immediately concerned about. I guess we have to ask ourselves if we are comfortable enough with our wild game to continue eating it. I truly believe it is hands-down much safer than 99.9% of the beef, pork and chicken (especially chicken) available at the market.