I spent a good part of today on a tractor mowing rigtht of ways.. It was hot!!!
After eating this evening I put my bow in the truck and drove to the river. About two months ago a dozer cut a nice trail through the woods that meandered along a winding slough. Since we've not had much rain there was still bare ground along this trail so I though it might be a nice place to stroll and shoot a few arrows.
As I was walking along I saw a good bit of surface rooting where some pigs had made an effort to break up the hard soil. So as I was shooting a few arrows at clods I kept my eyes peeled.. After a mile or so I stepped into another right of way that ran perpendicular to the trail I had been walking. It was getting along in the evening, well after sundown, but when I looked to the right I saw a few pigs. A couple were nice sized boars!
Since the ground was pretty bare I was able to close some of the 100 or so yards to them. As I was moving their way I kept feeling a faint breeze on my neck and knew I was on borrowed time. I was still 60 yards out when one of the bigger ones caught my scent and became very alert. In a few moments he moved away and took the others with him.. They stopped through the woods crosswind from me so I thought I still might have a chance. But then another boar came out of the woods where the group had been originally and laid down in the middle of the cut open right of way.. I thought, maybe ---.
I made a few steps his way and he caught me and stood up. It was a long poke but I had been shooting for the last 45 minutes and felt good about the shot. I came to full draw and settled in for a second or two and the arrow was away.
It covered the distance in a blink and struck the pig perfectly !! He blazed out of there and almost immediately I heard him crash into some brush. About half the arrow was sticking out on my side and the other half was sticking out the other side.
The bow is the Northern Mist Shelton that is 61 or 62 pounds at my draw length and I was using a 5575 GT with a 185 Grizzly broadhead.. Man it made quick work of this pig ! I had just sharpened it this morning..