Timmy (Tim - next door neighbors adult son) and I have been having shooting sessions, as we can get together, and have got probably 10 or 12 under our belts now. Yesterday (with Rose's help) we moved some of the targets around before our session. Moved the big buck out of this lane and moved li'l Bucky forward a tad and more into the center of the lane. Also moved the pig over and forward a tad.
Now they both can be seen (and shot at) better, and you have to thread the needle's eye a little to hit the pig in the kill zone.
We moved one of the bag deer tgts over between the other two deer (to make a small deer grouping).
And we moved the big Buck to the B side of the range and made him a Doe (his antlers made it hard to shoot at the deer and pig to the right). Gotta knock that rotted stump behind her down a little more.
Timmy is getting his form down pretty tight now and improving on his shooting with each session (as am I - it makes us more aware when teaching - LOL)
A close-up of Tim. He is really into his shooting and our sessions, and chatter about trad shooting and hunting (also, as am I).
(more to follow)