Being 17 feet up allows me a good view of the top of this bluff all the way to my southern fence line. Looking to the north is the new food plot and last year's turnip plot. Which is new clover this year. I also planted an edging of a tall shield grass mix. You can only see a tiny portion of it in this photo as you are looking north and the majority of the field runs the other direction.
The clover is a long narrow strip about 250 yards long by 40 yards wide. . The grass strip is about 20 feet wide, just wide enough to create a visual barrier.
At 6 30 pm I saw three deer enter the clover field to my south. Its about 200 yards from this stand. With the binos I could ID two does and a single fawn. They never left this food plot and stayed in it till it was too dark to see them. Nothing visited the plot by me until it was time to go. I had hung up the bow and was preparing to descend the ladder when a doe with twins came into the new plot from the SW. They grabbed a few mouthfuls, then walked up to the clover, passed thru the tall grass and were headed over to the forage beans. As soon as they were blocked by the tall grass, I scooted down the ladder and headed home.
Here is me keeping a close vigil