this stand is in a new tree this year. I have had in at least 4 different trees by now and I think I finally have it narrowed down pretty well.
Last year when this stand was further up hill, I continually watched deer drop off the ridge and cut thru a slot next to three apple trees. The stand now hangs in that slot.
The food plot is at the top which is the northern end of the alley. Apple trees litter the center and line the edges of this old pasture. The large forage bean field is below. In the early season I will hunt this stand as long as there are apples on the trees, Then I won;t hunt it till late season when the deer come off the ridges and head down to the bottom field.
Tonight At 5 pm a deer dropped off the ridge to my left but was on a trail that eventually comes thru the brush behind me. I could hear its foot falls and was waiting for the snort. It got closer than I thought it would before it hit my scent stream. Two loud shorts and it reversed its direction of travel.
here is a view from the stand
Tonight's wind was opposite of last night's noisy wind. Tonight as the wind dropped off,it got quieter and quieter. you could hear a mouse fart at 50 yards. I heard a deer cough some where below me. I heard another munching apples above me. Later it sounded like a deer was gagging or chocking on something below me. Above me way up on inspiration point another deer was snorting at something. They were all around me yet I never laid my eyes on one! I got down just at last light and stole my way home.
Unfortunately I have to leave town for two days tomorrow, so no hunting till at least this Tuesday. i'd say its been a pretty good first week!