outing #25 back to the begining
What a storm we had last night . Over 3 inches rain here with 6 to 8 inches being reported nearby! Lightening and wind as well. Sleeping in the yurt can be an adventure in itself!
the alarm went off at 5 am and I peeked out side. Stars!! I saw stars!!
So I had a cup of Joe and some quick oats with brown sugar and walnuts and headed out the door and up the rigde logging trail. The way was very slippery. But no big trees were down. A few big limbs here and there but nothing blocking the trail. The wind was slight and out of the north. Perfect for where I started the season out at!
I had not been here since 9/16 and Bwana sat in it 7 days ago. I thought with the big storm last night the deer movement would be heavy. Didn't happen. Sat in the stand for 4 hours and did not see a deer! The clouds moved back in early and it seemed to take forever to get day light. Lots of bushy tails out and about but not a deer in sight!.
Here is a look at the high trail on my way back down.
hoping for some movement tonight!