outing #45 inspiration point
Hey Joe you got it! the does are currently kicking my butt!
You are welcome Charlie ( I think ).
Spreading my hunters out. I sent Joel to the 23 to his stand. and dropped Kim off at the triple B. Then I made my way around and partially down the bluff to Inspiration point.

It was snowing lightly when we left the warmth of the yurt. We were all giddy with excitement. Three little boys aged 58,62, and 64!
But despite the excited anticipation I saw no deer except for the doe I jumped walking back in to camp! Still it was a great morning. Enough leaves have come down now that we have had two hard freezes that I can now see almost all the way down the bluff. I have decided that this stand will move down the ridge about 50 yards. The steep angle of the shot to the trail has me concerned and I think lower would be better. I do not know if we get the stand moved this season but it will be relocated before the next.
update you more tonight.