outing #53 ladder by clover
25 degrees and still!! What temperature swings we are having!
With only a short time to hunt this am I chose this spot since it is easy to get to and if its going to happen , it will right at first light.
I had hunted here last week and left with a good feeling about the stand. Today, right at first light I was standing and watching the direction that they came from last time.
A dark figure was trotting down the mowed trail to my right and from above. I removed the bow from its hanger and it made a slight noise. The deer stopped dead and stood there. Finally it began to move forward and then turned onto the trail that crosses right in front of me.

When it was in the exact spot I wanted, it stopped and looked the other direction! Perfect. I started to put tension on the string. But I was thinking that it was not a very big doe. It stepped forward and the shot opportunity was gone. She walked up in to the clover and fed for about 15 minutes.

I kept an eye on her and one also on the trail she had come down. I kept thinking more would be following. The doe in the clover had turned and was standing on the trail that she had crossed over on. She was coming back! I took this as a sign to shoot her. But when she was once again directly in front of me I determined it was just a huge fawn! So once again I let it pass unharmed.
About 15 minutes later a small 4 point was walking on the woods edge up hill from me. It disappeared then reappeared shortly as it walked into the clover from my upper left. Tail up and slowly walking , I decided I should grab the camera and try to get him on film. I made another very small noise as I turned back standing in the clover now was a new doe and very small fawn. The doe had me dead to rights. She quickly left the clover plot followed by her fawn and young suitor. Rats! That new camera is really screwing things up! Ha!
The time to go arrived and home ward bound I went.