outing #64 back to Jay's stand.
Well its been 12 whole days since I last hunted! Except for a small sliver of woods behind the yurt where i have worked on buck thorn the last few afternoons, i have stayed out of the woods. Not knowing what the rut is doing i elected to go back to where i killed the doe on 11/03.
Very cold and very still this am. I left the yurt extra early so I could walk up the bluff slowly and not work up a sweat. I made it to the stand with only jumping a single doe out of her bed along the logging road.
The morning was uneventful as there were no deer moving .Very few gun shots as well were heard the 3 hours I spent on stand. If I were to guess I'd say we are a smack dab in the middle of lock down.
I pulled the card from the camera over the big scrape as I left and am happy to report at least three different 3.5 year olds are showing have survived the first week of shot gun season.